Friday, August 16, 2013

Keagan's birth story (before I forget it)

After a pregnancy full of bedrest and the doctor telling me that I probably wouldn't make it full term (HA RIGHT) I was induced at 39 weeks. The doctor, we'll call him Nolte since I'm already sick of typing "the doctor", came in and broke my water at 8:45 a.m. and I was already at a 4.5.  I think I was already in labor cause I had been there since 6 and was already having steady contractions. Nolte decided to not to give me pitocin and to just see what my body would do now that my water was broken. He offered me an epidural, which I kindly rejected, and he left to go take care of other patients. I INSTANTLY started having hardcore contractions and super bad back labor. I was lucky and got the world's best nurse ever. I loved her so much! She offered me some IV painkillers and I GLADLY accepted those. They took the edge off for about 15 minutes and back to pain I went. After an hour the nurse checked me and I was still at a 4.5. I was so mad when she said that but then she continued to tell me that I was almost 100% thinned. HALLELUJAH!!! She then gave me more IV drugs which did a whole lot of NOTHING and said she would check me again in an hour. When she came back I was almost to an 8. Holy cow this was moving so much faster than Dallin's (16 hours). She then stayed in my room and helped me focus on my breathing. I forgot to mention that Trenton and my mom were there and doing an amazing job with helping me but for some reason I do so much better with the nurse than I do with him and my mom. I'm not sure if it's because I'm not afraid to yell at them and tell them to shut it cause I'M IN PAIN but whatever it is I always respond better to the nurse. After about half an hour I was at a 9. Let me tell you that getting through that last centimeter was probably the worst half hour of my life!!! I couldn't believe how much pain I was in and I also couldn't believe that Nolte was just outside on the computer while I felt like I was going to die from all this pain. I know, I know, some of you are thinking just get the friggin epidural. Well after a half an hour of pain I was finally ready to push. BEST FREAKING PART. I love pushing. It is the biggest relief of pressure and pain. After about 3 contractions our sweet little Keagan Vaughn Hegerhorst was born at 12:21 p.m. Weighing in at 8 lbs 4 oz and 20 inches long.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I hardly remember him looking like that. So chunky and stout. We are so grateful for a sweet Keagan.
