Dallin came 4 weeks early and we are truly blessed that he is as healthy and strong as he is. I woke up at 5:00 a.m. to not being sure if my water had just broken. I got back into bed and waited for Trenton's alarm to go off at 5:30 a.m. I then called my mom to see if it was actually my water breaking and she said that it was. Trenton got SO excited and was so worried about what he should wear not noticing the fact that I wasn't even dressed, so I got myself dressed and made sure to brush my teeth and we headed to the hospital. That was the start of my 16 hour labor with no epidural...
Only a minute old. My little man is such a stud. This was one of the best moments of my life. I am the luckiest mom in the world.
Since he was premature we had to stay in the hospital a day and a half longer than normal. This is our first family picture and we are so excited to get to take our baby home. Four days in the hospital made us go a little crazy but we were happy to have the help from the nurses and the Dr's while trying to deal with his jaundice.
All strapped in and ready to go home. Aunt Sharla made him that hat. He is such a little stud.
As I mentioned earlier, he has jaundice. To help with that we had to keep him in what is called a "bili-bed" anytime he wasn't eating. That was not easy cause we had to keep his eyes covered at all times and he moves all the time so at night we would have to take shifts watching him. We were SOOOO tired. Thank goodness that bed is gone now. He is still a little jaundiced but we finally got him eating better and gaining weight so the jaundice seems to be getting better.
The following pictures are Dallin's first friends. The first one is Hunter and he is 7 months old. Dallin sure did make these babies look huge! The second one is Lincoln and he is only 7 weeks old.